Circuit Breaker w Rainbow // #4 // Tao Suan

Not sure why I started to want to make Tao Suan and here's the recipe after multiple attempts to get the taste, texture and even the colour right.

Ingredients (adapted from a friend's recipe and tweaked accordingly)

  • 200g mung beans
  • 3 tablespoon   Sweet Potato Flour
  • 1 teaspoon      Corn Flour
  • 5 - 6 leaves     Pandan (tie into bundle)
  • 1 litre              Water
  • 3/4 cup            Fine Sugar (more/less to preference) 
  • 1 tablespoon    Red Sugar

1. Wash and rinse the mung beans.

2. Soak the mung beans for 2 hours.

3. Get ready the steamer. Preferably lay the mung beans on breathable base.

4. Surround the base with slices of pandan leaves.
5. Spread the mung beans around the base (make sure they are not pressing on each other) and steam for 45mins. (You can do a check around 30mins to see if they are cooked and soft).
    Tip: Because the steaming would be ongoing for a prolonged period of time, ensure that there is
    enough water to "support" the steaming. 
6. Meanwhile, you can boil the 1 litre of water with pandan leaves.
    Make sure that the water is boiling before you add the pandan leaves for the optimum taste of the
    pandan. Once that starts boiling, add in the fine sugar and red sugar. Boil it for sometime till the
    taste and sweetness if up to your liking. 
7. Once the "sugar" water is ready, remove the pandan leaves.
8. Mix the Sweet Potato Flour and Corn flour with water. (Flour mixture)
9. Gradually add the Flour Mixture to the "Sugar" Water while stirring (avoid adding them all at one
    go). Stir and pour, stir and pour until the texture is to your preference.
10. By this time, the mung beans should be cooked.
11. Add the mung beans into the pot (with the "sugar" water and Flour mixture) and mix them

12. Ready to serve. This dessert usually goes well with You Tiao (which we just purchase them).

Enjoy your tao suan! 


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