Rainbow Recipe Log : Braised Pork Belly - 卤三成肉

终于心血来潮决定铁下心来学大老姨的卤肉秘方。好的东西是应该一代代流传下去的。 After enjoying Grandaunt's Braised Pork for some many years, I finally decided to ask her how she cooks it. Good things are meant to be passed down the legacy. Braised Pork Belly - 卤三成肉 1. 两公斤的三成肉一定要完全退冰。如果需要,可以加入盐加快退冰。 Make sure the 2KG pork belly is fully thawed. Salt can be used to accelerate the thawing process. 2. 准备一公斤的葱头。去皮,洗,晾干。 Prepare the 1kg of onions. Peel the skin and wash clean and leave to dry. . 3. 准备其他的材料,包括南姜,香茅,姜,桂皮,八角,丁香和蒜头。 Prepare the rest of the ingredients: Galangal, lemongrass, ginger, cinnamon, star anise, clove and garlic. 4. 热锅,下油。油要盖过葱头。 Heat the pot, once ready, add oil - sufficient to submerge the onions. 5. 加入葱头,炒到金黄色。(大概半个小时) Add in onions and stir fry till golden brown.(about half an hour) 5. 加入两汤匙白糖。炒到糖融化。 Add 2 soup spoon of sugar. Fry till ...