xin chào SAIGON 2014 - Day 4

Time really flies when you're having fun and soon it was our last day in Vietnam... Feasting for breakfast! We went for our buffet breakfast before heading out to the UP cafe. Thankful we ate a feast before going to the cafe because there was really nothing fantastic in the cafe (plus we read reviews on the cafe). We took a cab, costing us about 90,000VND (~SGD$5) and about 15 mins before arriving in this interesting cafe. UP cafe The reason it is called the UP cafe is because of the interior that everything is upside down and I have to admit it is an interesting enough idea to attract us there. Level 2 of the cafe When I saw the UPside down PIANO, I was quite intrigued by it to visit the cafe. Unfortunately it was closed when we got there in the morning and we learn that they only open level 2 in the night. So if you would like to sit under this upside down PIANO, come by in the evening. Level 1 of the cafe As such, we were only able to sit on Level 1...